Goals for 2010

  • Beat Mark in every workout we ever do together
  • Open a bigger CrossFit
  • 50 unbroken double unders (best is 30)
  • Squat 300 lbs (currently 238 lbs, 3 reps)
  • Deadlift 400 lbs
  • Body weight down to 185 (currently 205)

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

250m row
25 kb sdlhp
20 burpees
15 pullups
500m row
15 pullups
20 burpees
25 kb sdlhp
250m row
16:56. Felt like I was standing still. Very tired from yesterday and last nights swimming. Me thinks tomorrow is a coaching day for me...got to get the mobility wod done too.
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Monday, August 30, 2010

TGU 45lb bar
Sots press
39: something...

Then started Kelly Starett's Mobility WOD. A 4 to 10 min deep tissue/stretch/burn bit of heaven...

Then about 45 min of swimming.
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Saturday, August 28, 2010


WOD: 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 SDLHP/Push Jerk @ 75lbs. 9:02. Then a 15min barefoot run! No damage and felt great! Barefoot running is so quiet. No thumping or scuffing. Kinda peaceful, except when you hit a stone.
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Friday, August 27, 2010

Nice easy 5k this morning with Ames and Suzy. Just what my tired legs needed.
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Thursday, August 26, 2010

Back squats.
Worked slowly up to a single rep at 231#. That's all my sore tired legs could take. Started with an empty bar and wasn't sure if I'd get past that....
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Tabata squats. Post-lunge WOD was awesome! Burned like hell...lowest number was 13 reps. Then ran a mile. Tight r quad and l calf. Better today.
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Tuesday, August 24, 2010

400m walking lunge:
Took a lunge trip up and down the sidewalk with Julie.
Gonna try a barefoot run outside today. My feet were kinda burned up a bit from the treadmill belt yesterday, but feeling good today.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Sunday triathlon:
finished in 1:48
Felt good about the swim. Slow but pretty steady. Bike ride out was tough against the wind and uphill, but the ride back was fast. Stayed over 30 mph steady back to town. Run through the hills was nasty. Just realized it took almost as long to run the half marathon in Fargo (2:05). Seriously considering the Dickinson tri...Its a flat ride and a road course.

This morning ran one mile barefoot and folded gym towels for time. Off to save the good citizens of Bismarck...

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Tri warmup this morning. First an easy run with Suzy and my arch nemesis Amy, then an 11 mile ride with Kim. Fell again but no damage. Almost wish I would have scraped myself up bad enough to not be able to swim.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Swam again last night. If I push it I may be able to get 500m in 15 to 17 min. That will give Amy a 7 to 10 min head start out of the pool on Sunday...

Todays WOD:
4 rounds for time:
21 kbs 53#
400m run
Should have swung the 70 pounder. But trying not to beat myself up before the tri. Got a run and ride and a haircut all before noon tomorrow. Need to stay hydrated too...

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Forgot to mention the other day I'm starting to run barefoot just a bit. I'm breaking in slowly, trying to strengthen my feet without getting hurt. Ran 800m on the treadmill on Tuesday, and Wednesday morning ran 2 400s with shoes. By the second 400 i could feel a big difference in my lower leg muscles. I think it was a good feeling but I'm not sure...

Wednesday WOD was 5 rounds of:
20 kbs 53#
15 knees to elbows
10 pushups
5 pull ups

I think my time was around 22 min. Kind of embarrassing, but I'm trying to take it a bit easy on my right biceps tendon. I'm thinking I tweaked it a bit in a vicious game of tether ball with Ben last week. It nearly took me out of a golf game too. Hope it gets better soon.

We had a great gym full of energy yesterday morning! Liz and I worked together, Fats, Susy and Michael did the Lumberjack 20, Mark worked "Nate", and Amy was jammin' on weighted pull ups.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Last week at the lake, I did a 4 mile run one day and a 23 mile ride oneday. thats it. Took some rest time and slept in.

Monday before work came in with Suzy and Fats and "goated" my way back into working out. Ran through the GHD, KBs, pullups, snatches, OHS, pushups. No time, just got back in the groove.

Tuesday: Started the 1000m row/ 1 min rest x5 WOD, but Austin came in and I did the Death by 10 meters WOD with him. Made it to 15 sprints, one more than when I did it last week.

This map is accurate except for the distance. It was a four mile run. I messed up my watch.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

4 mile run.

Just finished "Born to Run". Tried to practice a few of the running secrets in the book. Ran about 15 second per mile faster than my normal pace, then did some barefoot practice....now off to run 100 miles with no shoes. :)
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Sunday, August 8, 2010


Still chillin'
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Rest day....
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Saturday, August 7, 2010

Great run this morning with great friends! Thanks Mark, Amy, and Lake! The map shows this as a bike ride, but we ran. Forgot to reset the Garmin...now off to the lake!

Friday, August 6, 2010

"Death by 10 meters"
Run a 10m (33 ft) sprint at the top of the first minute, two sprints at the second and so on until you can't complete the required number of sprints within the allotted time. Scott and I made it to 14 sprints. Waylon made it to 12. Then we headed out for a mile jog, picked up Suzy on her way back and made her turn and do another mile with us. Awesome morning everyone! Love the energy!

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Thursday, August 5, 2010

800m run
Then 5 rounds of:
20 wallball
15 pullups
Then 800m run
3 rounds of:
500m row
30 24" box jumps
25 back ext
20 deadlifts 205lbs
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Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Today, swim coach Amy picked a team WOD:
400m run
Then 30 rep stations of:
box jump
squat cleans
double unders
and 100 ft of walking lunges

Subbed 60 regular squats for the pistols cuz I'm a puss. Thanks for coming bright and early this morning everyone!

Thanks IT Tech Mark Ekerberg for pointing out how simple this is to put a map on my blog. I wish my walnut sized brain could begin to grasp the obvious...

This was the big 28 mile ride last weekend.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Sunday morning bike ride, about 15 miles.

Today, finally picked up the one I made for Suzy last week:
4 rounds for time:
400m run
10 135# back squats
20 sit ups
20 back extensions

19:49 Tied with Fatty. She was at 75# on the squats. We were neck and neck the whole way. What a good push that is to be so close. Thanks for a great morning everyone!