Goals for 2010

  • Beat Mark in every workout we ever do together
  • Open a bigger CrossFit
  • 50 unbroken double unders (best is 30)
  • Squat 300 lbs (currently 238 lbs, 3 reps)
  • Deadlift 400 lbs
  • Body weight down to 185 (currently 205)

Monday, August 23, 2010

Sunday triathlon:
finished in 1:48
Felt good about the swim. Slow but pretty steady. Bike ride out was tough against the wind and uphill, but the ride back was fast. Stayed over 30 mph steady back to town. Run through the hills was nasty. Just realized it took almost as long to run the half marathon in Fargo (2:05). Seriously considering the Dickinson tri...Its a flat ride and a road course.

This morning ran one mile barefoot and folded gym towels for time. Off to save the good citizens of Bismarck...

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